Jul 18, 2017 | Conferences, Geology, Geosteering, News, SMART4D®, Technology
United will be showcasing its advanced SMART4D Geosteering Application at the URTeC Convention in Austin, Texas, July 24-26. Please come and visit our president Rocky Mottahedeh at booth #432 to learn how our application can help you improve well placement and team...
Feb 10, 2015 | News, SMART4D®
United Oil & Gas Consulting is excited to announce the launch of SMART4D Geosteering Application. We promised to make this application available to you as your in-house tool of choice and we are now happy to provide it to the industry. This powerful user-friendly...
Oct 2, 2014 | News, Technology
United’s SMART4D Geosteering allows you to align, anticipate and act faster than most geosteering systems and services available today. The predictive analytics within SMART4D use all of your data to reduce errors on placement and optimize in zone placement,...